Yarona FM Is Celebrating It’s 18th Birthday Today!

Botswana Youth
2 Min Read

Happy Birthday to one of our favourite radio stations in BW, YaronaFM. The youthful radio station is on their eighteenth year of broadcasting today.

They were first private commercial radio station in the Botswana and went live on air for the very first time on August 22, 1999 and back then they broadcasted only within Gaborone covering a radius of 50 km from its central transmitter.

In June 2007, under the leadership of then Station Manager, Dumi Lopang it was awarded a national broadcast license by the then Botswana Telecommunications Authority and began a national rollout covering major centres the following year.

The station has always provided an opportunity for young people to sharpen their skills in different department such as news, finance, programming and sales and marketing.

All its Station Managers were appointed at a young age, the likes of Percy Raditladi, Dumi Lopang, Owen Rampha, David Moepeng and the incumbent, Kelly Ramputswa.

Yarona Fm further prides itself in articulating its audience’s key issues of interest from a socio-economic, lifestyle, political and entertainment point of view.

The station has always been interesting and there is never a dull moment there! They have had presenters that can never be forgotten including the likes of Tumi Ramsden, Scar, Mokrenko, Chilliboy, Sesame, Phenyo Moroka and many more. Now they have radio veterans like Brando and Robbie Rob back on air and the station is more interesting than ever!


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