Women in News (WIN) have intreated to work with the Botswana Government media on developing policies that will protect women in media and support gender balance. Jane Godia, Director Africa of Women in News mentioned this when paying a courtesy call on the Minister For State President Hon. Kabo Morwaeng today.
Ms Godia explained that Women in News partners with media organizations and individuals from 17 partnering countries across the globe to close the gender gap in newsrooms. She says their program empowers people and organisations to work together in support of a healthier, lasting, and inclusive news industry.
The plan for the collaboration with the Government of Botswana is to come up with new policies that will prevent sexual harassment and promote safety in the newsrooms. She added that their strategy is to also develop news reporters that can freely source for news without being intimidated.
Hon Morwaeng acknowledged the Women in News’ request saying that it is in the interest of the Botswana Government to be inclusive and maintain the freedom of journalists. WIN and the Department of Broadcasting Services management are requested to work together and see how they can draw up a plan for the collaboration.