Watch how celeb couples roll with their wives

Botswana Youth
1 Min Read

Remember the notion that goes, “Birds of the same feather flock together’? That was proven to be true today when two of the most reputable men in the music and entertainment industry met and shared with the public. Vee Mampeezy alongside his wife Kagiso Sento were seen posing for a photo with the Keitumele’s. Joel Keitumele was with his wife as they shared a moment in pictures with the Sento’s.

The two couples have since been hailed as the couples that all celebs must challenge themselves to. It was said that they are a pillar in that they have been sticking to one another even in the most of the daunting moments ever. Vee Mmapeezy and wife have been together for as long as the public can remember. The duet couple have shaken the country one way or the other and have been news-makers one way or the other. We wish the couples everlasting marriages.


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