His Honour the Vice President, Mr Slumber Tsogwane this morning launched the Botswana Labour Market Observatory (LMO) Governing Body. Speaking at the launching ceremony, Vice President Tsogwane said the establishment of the LMO Governing Body will among others ensure availability and accessibility of labour market information.
He said its primary function is to ensure the production of reliable information for various actors regarding the labour market situation. The Vice President added that it will provide career, business and policy advice to influence proper decision-making.
“I am confident that the LMO Governing Body we are launching today will provide the much-needed answers and guidance in measuring the social outcomes of our policies,” said the Vice President.
He further said the LMO will provide investors with valuable source of labour market information on the skills available in the economy and thus giving them confidence to do business in Botswana.
The Labour Market Observatory Governing Body is composed of policy and decision makers from both the Public and Private sectors as well as the Civil Society. It shall oversee the operations of the Labour Market Information System and ensure that it effectively monitors labour markets performance and provide guidance to the formulation and implementation of education and employment policies.