Vee Shares What He Learnt From The Earth Tremor

Botswana Youth
1 Min Read

A lot of people are still in shock after the unexpected earth tremor that hit Botswana Monday evening. Some have linked this with the world coming to an end, and some believe the ancestors might not be pleased with something. Whatever the case, a lot of people have been in an introspection mode after the tremor.

Vee Mampeezy is among those who believe that the earth tremor was a sign from above. ”I think the message I learnt from this earthquake, is GOD owns this earth he can do anything any time he wants, but Because of the LOVE Of JESUS CHRIST and GOD for us he always make sure we are safe at all times, it’s good to be loved by a KING,” he said.

It comes as no surprise that Vee came to this conclusion, since of late he has been associating himself with the Christianity religion, and at times casting out demons from people. Seeing that Botswana is no exception when it comes to natural disasters,this might as well be a time for us to not take things for granted and be grateful for each day that we live.

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