Job description
Pudulogong Rehabilitation and Development Trust for the Blind requires the service of a qualified professional preferably a Botswana citizen:
To lead and manage the Training Department of Pudulogong Rehabilitation Centre.
Monitor and ensure compliance to BQA standards.
Undertake the research and development of suitable training programs for the students.
To find out the possibility of increasing the number of students enrolled annually.
To research the craft skills tailor made for visually impaired students.
To develop an estimated annual budget for the training department.
Assess the applications of possible trainees to ensure that the set requirements are met.
To supervise and monitor the trainees attachment programs.
Degree/ Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education
Possess some form of training skills.
Atleast a minimum of 3 years work experience in a managerial/supervisory position.
Teaching qualification is a major requirement.
Work experience with visually impaired people will be an added advantage.
Must be able to develop, put in place and maintain training programmes suitable for the visually impaired students.
Have good communication skills.
Advice and guide the teaching staff on revised teaching methods.
Work out the strategies on training development if blind students both on a short and long term basis.
Build team spirit within employees of the centre.
Analyse what the current market demands to train the students adequately.
Personal Attributes
Must possess a valid drivers license
Ability to advice on issues of training, moderation and accreditation of programs.
Willingness to work at awkward hours when he situation dictates.
Ability to work independently on any task given by the Director.
Company profile
Pudulogong Rehabilitation and Development is a charitable non-profit making organization. which came into being in 1982 as an initiative of the Dutch Reformed Church in Botswana. It is located in Phaphane ward in Mochudi in the Kgatleng District.
Puredet was established as a result of the Visually Impaired People in the country who had no where to go due to lack of suitable skills for employment. It is the first of its kind in the country. as the educational system did not have provisions for the Disabled Persons; By then. the centre was offering basic handcraft skills with the age range from 16 – 35 years. Pudulogong is affiliated to the Botswana Council for the Disabled (BCD), which is the mother body of all organizations
dealing with disability.
577 7480(+267) 577 7480(+267) 577 7480(+267) 577 7480
Degree (C1) P134,484 – P160,704 p.a
Postgraduate Diploma ( D4) P180, 492 – P199-260 p.a
Closing date and application instructions
Botswana Citizens who meet the above requirements should send their applications, detailed Curriculumn Vitae, certified copy of Identity Card(Omang) and certified copies of certificates to:
The Director
Pudulogong Rehabilitation & Development Trust for the Blind
Private Bag 0026
Closing date: 31 July 2017
Pudulogong Rehabilitation and Development Trust for the Blind