UPR NGO Working Group condemn the DIS

Botswana Youth
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Just after responding to condemnation by the Botsswana Federation of Public Private & Parastatal Sector Unions (BOFEPUSU), the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Services (DIS/DISS) finds itself being called out yet again by UPR NGO Working Group.

The Universal Periodic Review Non-Governmental Organizations (UPR NGO) Working Group has indicated its alignment to the statement issued by BOFEPUSU recently.

“Concerns about the current situation in our country have been raised by Botswana Federation of Public Private & Parastatal Sector Unions (BOFEPUSU). A recent concern from the region was raised by the South African Communist Party (SACP).” UPR NGO Working Group observed.

The group of NGOs is of the view that the Directorate has always been a “monster” since its inception in 2008. The NGOs report that there were worrying signs after the DISS was launched that its agents were operating differently from those in the directorate’s predecessors, the Security Intelligence Service and the Special Branch. The secrecy surrounding the directorate’s activities have sparked recurrent rumours and allegations according to UPR NGO Group.

UPR NGO further notes how DITSHWANELO raised concerns on the establishment of the DISS in 2011, such concerns included transparency and accountability of the DISS.

Apart from reports of harrassment and intimidation locally, especially by former President Khama, the group is also reminded of the incidents where by Bootswana Government had to account for DIS behaviour to some international bodies.

“Botswana appeared before the United Nations Human Rights Committee on 20 and 21 October 2021. The Committee was concerned about the reports of increased monitoring of online activities and the intrusive use of intelligence methods by State security and intelligence agencies. It was recommended that Botswana ensure that “all types of surveillance activities and interference with privacy including online surveillance, interception of communications, access to communications data and retrieval of data are governed by appropriate legislation that conforms with the ICCPR”.

On the 26 March 2021, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Dr Agnes Callamard expressed concerns relating to the personal security and safety of the former president Lieutenant General Dr. Seretse Khama lan Khama and about the alleged planned attempts on his life. The Special Rapporteur requested that the government of Botswana provide information concerning actions taken to investigate these allegations’. To date, there is no public information concerning whether this has or has not been done.” UPR NGO Working Group said through a Press Statement earlier today.

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