Well Well well, a social media user, yea we gon call him that because we do not know how else to address him just called the Waba A Tsile hitmaker Vee Mampeezy a coward!
The man, named Tirelo Tshimologo took to social media to air his opinion about Vee Mampeezy who won a Metro FM award ealrier this year. Tshimologo accused Vee of being scared to be supervised so he can get away with being ‘less creative’. Lol
Am not too sure if coward is the right word for the point i want to make. Don’t get me wrong, am not challenging the man’s personal bravery but his artistic cowardice. A year after being signed at south africa and making ‘good enough’ music he is already back home. Back home where producers worship him. Where producers are shy to quetion his creativity. He has already produced an impromptu album after his award winning ‘i do’. An album riddled by controversy because of the copied first single ‘waabo a tsile’. Now am sure you are wondering where the the cowardice comes in? It is his habit of running from supervision that am referring to. With the ‘ I do’ album, this man had producers who are used to a bit more talent than what he has to offer. For the first time he was forced to write more lyrics than his usual ‘yaaa’ and ‘wa laola Jeso’ that has become the norm Patten of song writing with local producers.Certain producers like Dj Tira even allegedly refused to work with him citing lack of creativity. What did he do? He came running back home to work on another album titled champion before he fully explored the s-african market. Why? Because local producers afford him the respect to be mediocre and to ridicule the song writing art the way he always does. Mosako once confided that whenever you hear a brilliant written song from vee, know he wrote it but if you hear a lot of ‘taka taka totee’ know he did it himself. Vee’s fear of being supervised doesn’t start last year. He once did the same thing after being signed by ex malaika producer Goofy still at South Africa. He then convinced Maxi, who also was at the time signed by the legendary Brenda Fassie producer Sello Chiko Twala to return with him citing differences with the producer. Seeing his pattern now makes me doubt his reasons for fear, hence my upper use of the word COWARD. Fear of being told to be audible in his song writing. Fear of being what he claims to be, a brilliant song writer”. He wrote.
So what do you think of Tshimologo’s rant, could there be any truth to what he just said.