Tshekedi Khama’s wife Thea is at the centre of controversy after posting on social media that her newly found dog is scared of dark skinned people. The news got viral after Paparazzi editor Daniel Kenosi reported on it, catching the attention of many angry Batswana. Thea found this dog about 2 weeks ago in Phakalane and took it home, according to her the dog is scared of dark skinned people possibly because of the tendencies instilled upon it at a tender age.
She has now decided to set matters straight and clear her name on the issue. “It appears I offended some people by making what is deemed by some a “racist” comment about a stray dog that displayed strange behavior to visitors at my home. I should not have allowed myself to post such a comment that could be wrongly misconstrued, or divide people, but we all make mistakes,” she said.
According to Thea, she doesn’t have a racist bone in her body and knows who and what she is. “I can’t take responsibility for your points of view but I take full responsibility for the “offending post” and ask those who were offended if there is anything I can do to help you get over it,” she concluded. Whether it was racist or not, her position in society will always be unfair towards her truth, her innocent opinion can be translated into so many things. Facebook is just not the right platform to talk about sensitive issues like racism, religion, sexual preferences because even if it was coming from a good place other people will always interpret it otherwise.