Applicants are invited from suitably qualified Botswana Citizens who desire to grow in a career in Diamond Cutting and Polishing for the position of Trainee Diamond Operator at Pluczenik Botswana(Pty) Ltd.

-BGCSE certificate (to be certified).
-Pass(minimum D grade) in English and Mathematics.
-Pass(minimum D grade) in Design & Technology and Art.
-Minimum of two(2) references and a Testimonial fro Teachers or School Head.
-Certified copies of all above have to be attached along with your CV.
Please submit your applications by 18th April 2017 to;
Pluczenik Botswana (Pty) Ltd
The Human Resources Officer
Po Box 403286
or Hand Deliver at Pluczenik Botswana,Plot 61123,Block 8 Industrial Gaborone