Top 20 Most Inspirational Youth In Botswana 2017! It has been said that youth itself is a talent, a perishable talent and that almost everything that is great has been done by the youth. We cannot argue with the statements as we have over the years realized that most young people with determination and hard work can achieve whatever it is they want. A lot of them have insipired their fellow youth with their zeal and for never giving up on their dreams when things got hard. Below is a list of 20 young people who keep inspiring us to be better versions of ourselves and to never stop dreaming and chasing your dreams.
Top 20 Most Inspirational Youth In Botswana 2017
1.Kagiso Morebodi
He is without a doubt one of the most influential young people in the country. Having started a career as a banker, Kagiso founded Remmogo Youth Organization in 2010 to inspire young Batswana towards greater personal and social responsibility. He has found many initiatives to help the youth and has previously hosted a show for the youth on Rb2. Recently he hosted a very successful event, Botswana Youth Awards which opened great doors for those awarded at the event.
2. Baboloki Thebe
He is only 20 years old and have made history already. He did extremely well at the recent IAAF Diamond league bring home a gold medal among his other sterling performances, and has been doing a great job representing the country in athletic competitions.
3. Bogolo Kenewendo

Described by many as one of Botswana’s keenly watched rising thought leader, the 29 year old used to be a trade economist and is now the youngest member of parliament.She strongly believes that there is low representation of women in leadership and decision making positions across the spectrum, which sometimes delays and limits girls’ ability to dream and she accepted this position to be an advocate for the women. She was specially elected into parliament late last year.Kenewendo’s academic and professional record speaks for herself. She holds an MSc in International Economics from the University of Sussex in the UK. That was after she completed her BA in Economics at the University of Botswana (UB). While at the University of Botswana, Kenewendo also studied with the Pitzer College in the US. She studied European Integration at Tor Vergata at the Jean Monnet international Summer School in Rome, Italy, and did Economic FreedomPhilosophy at the Foundation for Economic Education.
4. Mokwena King Marobela

One of the bravest and most selfless young men. He owns a company called Incredible Giants and when he heard Kast was walking a thousand kilometres to promote local music, he took leave from work to walk with him freely. He walked with the whole 1000km.
5. Arnold Nagafela
He is 26 year old and a great entrepreneur. He founded an initiative called the Free School. When form 5 results were released earlier this year he volunteered to sponsor some students who did not do well in their studies in rewriting their exams. He has also went out of his way to help women get free self defence classes.