Top 10 Homemade Facial Masks For Oily Skin
Oily skin can be a pain. It can give you pimples well past your teens. Luckily, there are a few very effective remedies like homemade face wash for oily skin that can help you deal with it. You can reduce the oiliness of your skin quickly, so there is no need to despair.
Below are some homemade masks you can use to get rid of that shine on your face.
1. Coconut Oil and Honey Face Wash
This could very well be the best face wash for oily skin. Coconut oil and honey both have antibacterial and antifungal properties that will help you fight the oil. The ingredients you need are readily available, so that’s a relief.
Get this:
- Extra virgin coconut oil – 3 teaspoons
- Raw honey – 1 teaspoon
- Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
- A container with lid
Do this:
- First, pour the coconut oil into a small bowl. Take a spoon and stir. Warm your spoon if the oil is hard and then dry it. You have to stir with a warm spoon.
- Add the honey. Stir it in.
- Now add your baking soda and stir this well.
- Transfer to the container and store at room temperature.
Don’t worry if this hardens. It will melt when you apply on your skin.
How to apply:
- Take a small spoon or spatula and scoop out a little portion.
- Now apply on your neck and face. Move your fingers in circles to exfoliate.
- Give it time to soak and then remove with warm water.
- Pat dry with a clean towel.
2. Honey and Lemon Face Wash
Fresh lemon juice and raw honey will also do the trick. Honey is a very good skin rejuvenator that will make your skin supple. It is also a very good cleanser for all types of skin, including oily skin. So keep some honey in your bathroom cabinet. Honey can also be used for hair treatment. You can even remove makeup safely and easily with honey. All you need to do is just add a little baking soda. But here we talk about how to use it as face wash for oily skin so add lemon to it. Lemon will give you Vitamin C that makes the skin healthy and glowing.
Get this:
- Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
- Honey – 1 teaspoon
- A small bowl
- Warm water
Do this:
- Squeeze the lemon and store the juice in a small bowl.
- Add one teaspoon honey into this.
- Add the warm water so that it spreads easily.
- Apply this on your face and leave for 20 minutes.
- Rinse it off with normal water.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar Homemade Face Wash for Oily Skin
A little bit of apple cider vinegar and warm water can do wonders. Apple cider vinegar kills bacteria, and balances the pH level of your skin. It is an astringent and can thus dry up the excess oil. However, a word of caution! Don’t overdo this, because too much of apple cider vinegar can make your skin excessively dry.
Get this:
- Unfiltered apple cider vinegar – just a little bit
- Cotton ball
- Water
Do this:
- First wash your face. Pat dry.
- Now soap the cotton ball in the vinegar. Make sure that there is three parts water and one part vinegar.
- Apply on your skin and leave for 30 minutes.
- Wash your face thoroughly.
You can apply this many times in a day. Apply a moisturizer for oily skin once you have washed it off your face.
4. Tomato and Honey Face Wash
A simple slice of tomato can reduce the oiliness of your skin because tomatoes have astringent, clarifying and cooling properties. It will suck up the excess oil and leave it clean and dry. Besides, tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C, which helps clear acne.
Get this:
- Medium sized tomato – 1
- Honey – 1 teaspoon (optional)
Do this:
- Cut the tomato into half.
- Rub it on your face and neck.
- Allow the juice to stay on your face for 15 minutes.
- Wash off with cold water.
This face wash will work as a wonderful home remedy. You can also prepare a face mask with these ingredients, by first extracting the tomato juice and storing it into a bowl, and then mixing a teaspoon of honey with it.
5. Cucumbers
Cucumbers can help you fight the extra oil, thanks to their soothing and astringent properties. It is rich in mineral, vitamin, magnesium, potassium, and Vitamins A and E.
Get this:
- Medium sized cucumber – 1
- Lime juice (optional)– ½ teaspoon
Do this:
- Cut your cucumber. The slices should be thick.
- Now rub it on your face.
- Wash off in the morning with warm water.
You can do this every day at bed time. Like the tomato and honey treatment, this too can be used as a mask. For this, you have to combine half teaspoon of lime juice and another half teaspoon of cucumber juice, and apply it on your face. Wash off once it is dry.
6. Milk
Milk makes oily skin supple and soft. It is a very good cleanser. The alpha hydroxy acids of milk will exfoliate your skin gently, and maintain its natural pH balance.
Get this:
- Milk – 2 teaspoons
- Lavender or sandalwood oil – 2-3 drops
Do this:
- Pick any of these oils and mix it with the milk.
- Now use a cotton ball to apply this on your face.
- Massage gently for a few minutes.
- Leave it for the night. Wash off with cold water in the morning.
You can use this face wash for oily skin every day.
7. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known for its antimicrobial properties. These properties make it a great choice for treating acne, caused by oily skin. Aloe vera is also very good at absorbing the extra oil from your skin. You can use this remedy either as a face wash or mask.
Get this:
- Aloe vera leaf – 1
Do this:
- Cut the leaf and take out the gel.
- Apply this gel on your face.
- Wash off once it is dry.
- You may also boil the leaf instead of cutting.
- Add a little honey to create a paste.
- Apply the paste thoroughly on your face and neck.
- Keep it for 20 minutes and wash off with cold water.
8. Banana Face Mask
Banana gives us instant energy. You can prepare delicious sweet recipes and milk shakes with it. Banana is rich in iron, potassium, Vitamins A, B, C and E. But did you know that a banana face mask can also help you fight oily skin? In fact, there are very few better homemade fruit packs and scrubs for oily skin than this one.
Get this:
- Ripe banana – 1
- Honey – 1 teaspoon
- Lemon or orange – 1
Do this:
- Mash the banana.
- Add the honey.
- Mix three to four drops of lemon or orange juice. Mash them all together and make sure that the paste is fine.
- Now apply this paste on your neck and face and leave for 15 minutes.
- Rinse off with warm water. You can also use a soft washcloth.
9. Avocado Oatmeal Mask
It’s a misconception that Avocado can be used only for dry skin. Avocado face masks are also good for people with oily and acne prone skin. Avocado is rich in minerals and vitamin E, which is good for the skin. The fruit has unsaturated fats too. No wonder, it is used in so many beauty products. Avocado is also known to slow down the process of aging. Oatmeal in this face mask removes dead cells and fights inflammation. Oats contain polysaccharides that provide a protective film on your skin.
Get this:
- Ripe avocado – ½
- Oatmeal – ½ cup
Do this:
- Cook your oatmeal.
- Use a fork to mash up your avocado.
- Now mix these two and apply the paste on your skin.
- Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water. Pat dry.
10. Avocado Egg Face Mask
This face mask will make your face less oily and reduce the chances of acne and pimples. You know why using avocado helps. If not, read the previous remedy. The eggs in this face mask recipe helps tighten your skin and shrink large pores.
Get this:
- Ripe avocado – ½
- White portion of egg – 1
- Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
Do this:
- Take a fork and mash up your avocado.
- Take out the egg’s white portion and add this.
- Now add the lemon juice.
- Gently apply this mask on your face. Make sure that it doesn’t get into the eyes.
- Leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water. Pat dry.
Homemade face masks for oily skin with avocado can be applied once a week. That should be enough. Don’t overdo this as your skin may become very dry. The sebaceous gland will then go on overdrive and produce more oil, making your skin oily again.