Young Seventh Day Adventist evangelist Thabo Mhlanga is on a road less traveled in the new era of new media. He is on a quest to make books look cool again. With just two book sunder his belt already, the young man also a tennis coach has been shaking and moving audiences in auditoriums with his golden, big yet amazing voice. Through his recent book “Mended” has been receiving pat over the other on the shoulder because it has been named a real connector to one’s soul by the readers.
Just this past weekend he took up the role of an MC at the launch of one of the many stores that are to be set up across the country by Eccentric Style Loft and he delivered the role with ease. He has been heard saying that he gets his wisdom from books besides the bible which he uses most of the times for reference in his teachings on his books. Mhlanga is also a renowned tennis coach and uses his wisdom to deliver his tennis knowledge to kids he coaches.