It is encouraging to find a young person concerned about the welfare of the less privileged members our society. Social entrepreneur and co-founder of These Hands Global Social and Sustainable Enterprise (GSSE), Thabiso Mashaba is passionate about facilitating change in rural communities through innovation. He is passionate about changing rural Botswana for the better.
The 30-year-old started the social enterprise ‘These Hands Global’ that connects engineers and designers from Botswana and abroad with communities in the Kalahari desert. He doesn’t look at people at rural areas as a charity case, but rather as potential entrepreneurs who can add value to the development of our country. He links community members with international innovators and designers, and give them the opportunity to use their traditional skills to come up with innovative solutions to livelihood challenges.
He encourages people in rural communities to combine local wisdom with modern technology and make the most out of little resources. For example the Dakar community have so far created a wheel chair for rough terrains, a solar oven to burn glass and a lot more. They also teach old crafts-makers to use new technology. All of this is done with the hope of bridging the gap bettwen rural and urban communities.
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