Social media rumors about Jazz artist, Thabang Garogwe committing suicide went viral this past Saturday morning. These allegations came after the troubled singer posted this on his Facebook account and whats-app status, “I am sorry, I couldn’t handle the pain”, apparently out of frustrations that his girlfriend had not come home Friday night. He then went offline for a long time, and people started speculating the worst.
Thabang who was taken into questioning by the police, doesn’t dispute the fact that he has problems, but denies trying to take his life. He says that he was raised better than that. The artist who is popularly known for his hit track ‘Moratiwa Nkamogele’ blamed his girlfriend’s family for his troubles. He is dating a certain lady by the name of Pearl and his intentions are to marry her, but her parents do not approve, and this gives Thabang heartache and causes him distress.
His current message on his Facebook account reads, ” Your happiness can be an artful reminder to many that life is priceless. Smile and appreciate that there is only one of you and there will never be anyone like you.” We hope you are able to have a different view at your problems. Taking one’s life has never solved a thing, in fact, it brings pain and sorrow to those left behind.