Tag: Features

Ways To Survive On A Low Salary

A lot of us learn a relatively small income that can hardly…

Loretta Mekgwe Shares Her Tragic Experience

Often people, even the police officials believe that for a lady to…

Wynter Mmolotsi Writes An Open Letter To President Khama

It's never a dull moment within the political spectrum of our country.…

Public Service Employees To Be Released Early Today

Tomorrow marks the beginning of a long weekend marking Easter celebrations. Government…

RB 2 Celebrates 25 Years In Existence

The first Botswana commercial radio station, RB2 is today celebrating a milestone.…

How To Stay Safe Before, During And After An Earthquake

One can never be ready for natural disasters like earthquakes as they…

Earthquake Aftershock Early This Morning

Botswana was hit by a 6.5 magnitude earthquake on Monday night at…

6.5-Magnitude Tremor Hits Botswana

This is by far the worst tremor the county has ever experienced.…

Hilarious Honda Fit Jokes Of The Week!!

This week social media has been going abuzz about Honda Fit, with…

10 Ways To Organize A Successful Event

With the festive season upon us, we are often overwhelmed with tasks…

10 Ways To Be Best Friends With Your Siblings.

Siblings may not always get along, not that they hate each other…

Botswana Joins The World To Celebrate International Women’s Day

International Women's Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of…

10 Life Saving Ways To Drive On A Rainy Day!

It has been raining for a few week now, and it does…

Drought Days Are Over, Gaborone Dam Filling Up

Rainfall has been less than adequate for the past 4 or so…

Celebrity Breakups That Left Us Heart Broken!

We follow them on social media and always measure our lives against theirs,…

The Department of Meteorological Services Warns The Nation About Tropical Cyclone Dineo

In a recent Press Release, the Department of Meteorological Services informed the…

Simon Mavange Wins BDPYL Chairman Elections

The Botswana Democratic Party Youth Elective Congress in Tsabong where the Youth…