The end of a relationship is a painful experience and as lonely and frightening as this space might be, with the understanding of change and trust in your own ability to heal and grow, it may not be such a devastating place after all.
A word from Experts
According to the clinical coordinator at the Melemo clinic in Gaborone who is also a psychotherapist Tshepho Sebalo, he says like rubbing salt into the wound we may play over and over what went wrong, what could have been done and who was to blame. He says that act alone solves nothing but becomes a constant irritant to our healing process.
Why we should live with the void.
“Sometimes a void is best left to allow the free-fall nature of it, to allow the emptiness, tolerate the loneliness and trust that growth and change is taking place and that way we heal best,” he said. Sebalo also noted that passing through the void, is an essential part of spiritual growth that enables the reconnection and retrieval of the lost parts of our selves.