Skillshare International, Barclays Bank and YOHO/ Good Samaritan will be embarking on a partnership for a Youth Employment, Enterprise and Financial Skills Project known as “Changing the Game – enhancing the employability prospects of young people through sports”.
The aim of the project is:
1) To support young people into work, education or training that will enhance their prospects of gaining employment;
2) To support young people as entrepreneurs and to start new business enterprises;
3) To improve the financial skills of young people.
The project targets young people aged 18-25 years with each group of 25 young people staying for 12 weeks. In the first phase of the project, the Game Changers (18-25 year olds) will be expected to reach out to school going children aged 12 – 17 in school with Financial Literacy. The Game Changers will be trained for all the functions.
This is therefore a call for 28 young people in each catchment with interest in joining this exiting project. The following are eligible:
1. Young person aged 18-25
2. Not in either employment, training or business
3. Interested in starting their own business
4. Interested in personal development in general ( finding employment or further studies)
5. Should be from or staying in the locality/targeted areas
A monthly stipend of P500 will be given to the Game Changers to cover the minimal expenses related. The benefit is however from the training, mentoring and connection to opportunities.
To apply, and for further details please call the following and drop your application letters to following locations ( expressing why you are the best candidate for the programme, your age, what you are currently doing, your educational achievements and other critical information). Should you need an application form, please get it from the placements below.
Physical Address Telephone
Selibe- Phikwe Good Samaritan offices Onthusitse – 72921840
Mmadinare Apostolic Faith Mission church premises Onthusitse – 72921840
Bobonong Home Based Care Office Ferlix – 72254346
Francistown Yoho Offices at Block 8, near Montsamaisa CJSS Leatile -75955174
Masunga VDC-next to Masunga bus rank Kgalalelo – 71464735
Tutume VDC-Magapatona ward Kgalalelo – 71464735
The closing date for applications is 12noon on March 31st, 2016 (Thursday).