Play Your Part: Vote For Botswana’s 50 Most Powerful And Influential Women

Botswana Youth
1 Min Read

Mosadi ke thari ya sechaba, this powerful statement loosely translate that we are where we are because of the women in our lives. You have a chance to select that woman who you believe is a force to be reckoned with. The list has influential names like Amantle Montsho, Tebogo Lebotse-Sebego, Connie Ferguson just to mention a few.


As part of the Botswana 50 year Independence celebrations, Autocom wishes to publish a magazine called TOP 50 Most Powerful and Influential Women in Botswana. The intention of the publication is to reward and celebrate top Batswana women achievers in their different fields of expertise.

People are always complaining that it is certain people who are given privileges over the mainstream individuals. This is your chance to end that. You have the opportunity to select that woman who you believe deserves to be there. Voting is free, so start voting now.

Click Here On How To Vote—->

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