Palapye color fest jells with success

Botswana Youth
1 Min Read

When they made jokes that the event will not stage because there is a possibility that there is likely to be no paints at the events many tickets buyers were disappointed. But man, those were just jokes the event gave our stomach to jell up. We could not hold them in a single position because everything was just too magical at the event.

There were paints and the attendancees got themselves painted from head to toe. The food stalls too was amazing and many had lots and lots of fun. The town of Palapye was never the same when the only chef in Botswanwa aka Chef Gustos together with his entourage got us the music we have always needed. Who would forget the amazing moonlight that gave the paints on te faces and clothes of ticket buyers the glow? Palapye is sure turning into a town of great things, from youth entertainment to development.


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