Leap Frog founder and manager Fish Pabalinga who has been on the news recently for allegations made against him in regard to his tender award for the Gaborone International Music Festival (GIMC) says he gives to the community. According to Pabalinga, he has the community at heart. This week he appeared on the news in one of the investigative newspapers for allegedly eating in the plate with the elite group in country who eventually awarded him the tender to stage the GIMC festival.
Pabalinga took to his Twitter this morning to say, “A young Motswana watch maker called Faith Nakedi approached me for help & use the influence and attention by GIMC to grow her business. So the next time you see me don’t just look at my jacket, check my watch too. For every VVIP ticket sold we will give away a free GIMC watch. the following photo was attached to the caption: