Nono Siile’s Fiance Once Again Torches Her Stuff
A few years ago, Nono Siile’s alleged fiancee, Bobo Zebe burned down the singer’s rented three bedroomed house in Kgale with goods worth over P80 000, the arsonist is back at it again and has burnt Nono’s car.
Bobo earlier this year burnt the Borre hitmaker’s VW. The fiery incident happened at their rental home in Mogoditshane last week after alleged infidelity disagreements.
Last year, after a heated argument, he cut his lover’s hair off.
Clearly this Bobo(39) is a very abusive man and it can never be understood why the singer is still with him after all he put her through. A man who burns down expensive properties everytime there is an argument cannot be good for any woman. Wise up Nono!
In 2013 after they argued about a late call the singer received from another man, he produced a knife and she fled to go and report to the police only to find the house in flames.
After the incident she told the media that she is ready to forgive him but they won’t get back together yet here they are! Guess it is true what they say matters of the heart are too complicated.