New Traffic Management Plan At Rainbow Intersection

Botswana Youth
2 Min Read

The Ministry wishes to inform the public that a new traffic management plan will be implemented at the Rainbow intersection from Friday 9th September 2022.

The new traffic management plan entails:

1. The use of the current intersection as a four-way traffic signalised set up,

2. Use of temporary traffic signals to control traffic travelling straight along the KT Motsete Drive “Western Bypass” to continue straight as per the current set up,

3. Traffic turning right from KT Motsete Drive to Kudumatse Drive (Gabane-Nokia) will be controlled by temporary traffic lights,

4. Traffic along Kudumatse Drive will pass under the bridge and will be controlled by temporary traffic lights that will provide straight through and right turn access through the intersection,

5. Left turning traffic from both KT Motsete Drive and Kudumatse Drive will continue to use the slip roads as per the current set up,

6. Traffic will be guided by signage and road markings at the intersection. Traffic Police Officers will also be on site to monitor traffic and allow motorists to adjust. (Refer to attached layout sketch).

This development is part of the Design, Build and Transfer of the Three Graded Separated Intersections at the Intersections of K.T. Motsete Drive “Western Bypass” with Lobatse Road, Willie Seboni Road and Kudumatse Drive project.

The Ministry wishes to thank the public for its continued support and patience as construction continues in Greater Gaborone.

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