Nasty C is sure a man of integrity,just aged 21 he is making millions and millions of rands. He has shaked up the South African music industry. In exactly a week he will be pwrforming at the Gaboone International Music week. He will be making stages nlow up in flames. Today we bring you some of the exciting pointers you need to know about him.

What to Know About Nasty C, South Africa’s Prominent Rap South African Hip Hop Artist Nsikayesizwe David Junior Ngcobo, better known as Nasty C, is one of the country’s most prominent performers, and he’s widely regarded as one of the country’s best young rappers.
At a very tender age he has been a master of the courts having been dragged through suing cases through his recotd label. Nasty C has also been lashed out by the general public for his alleged homosexual traits. He has since denied being on the left side but the public keeps nagging him to open up about it.