Naledi South Councillor Gopolang Maswe Montsho Donates 100 School Shoes to Children in Need

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Naledi South Councillor, Gopolang Maswe Montsho, continues to make a positive impact in his community by donating school shoes to children in need. This year, Montsho donated 100 pairs of school shoes to local children, a gesture that has become an annual tradition since he initiated it in 2018.

Montsho’s initiative is deeply personal, driven by his own childhood experiences of walking to school barefoot. “Having gone through the same challenges, I understand the struggle many children face. It is heartbreaking to see children walk long distances to school barefoot, and I feel it is my responsibility to assist where I can,” he said.

This year, the need for assistance was overwhelming, with Montsho’s office receiving 1,156 requests for school shoes from parents in the community. Despite the high demand, he was only able to afford 100 pairs. “The need is far greater than what I can meet alone, but I am committed to doing what I can every year,” Montsho explained.

Since the program began in 2018, Montsho has consistently donated shoes each year, ensuring that hundreds of children can attend school with dignity and comfort. His initiative has earned him admiration from community members and has inspired others to contribute to the cause.

Montsho emphasized the importance of community support in tackling this challenge. “It takes a village to raise a child. While my resources are limited, I hope this small gesture can inspire others to join hands and make a difference in the lives of our children,” he said.

The councillor is calling on individuals, businesses, and organizations to support the initiative and help provide for the many children still in need. “Every child deserves to go to school without worrying about basic necessities like shoes. Together, we can ensure that no child is left behind,” Montsho urged.

As the new school year begins, the 100 beneficiaries of Montsho’s generosity will walk to school with pride, thanks to his unwavering commitment to uplifting his community. His initiative is a testament to the power of empathy and action in creating meaningful change.

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