Over the past few weeks, fashion designer Mothusi Lesolle has been posting on social media about his iZaura brunch. Today he took his time to elaborate more on the project as a lot of people continue to ask him what is it all about. According to him Brunch with iZaura is a high end pop shop that will be held at Masa Square Hotel, 5th November 2016.
“Like the name says its brunch/late breakfast but of course we will go on into late afternoon and the night wink wink! We will have a few iZaura garments on sale and other ways of displaying clothes (not to spoil surprises) ,there will be lounge music and raising tempo with the day,” he explained. The ticket per person cost P200 and will afford people brunch and welcome drink.
He further went to explain, “the crowd is a very diverse age group that also includes my middle aged to senior clients, hotel guests who may have interests of being with us, media partners and those that aspire for the greater things in life. There will be a lot of business networking opportunities and easy time for those that want to kick off their shoes and relax.”
“Dress code-Simply Mothusi Lesolle (this is understanding that even a simple t-shirt deserves a brooch). There will be mimosas on sale and all sorts of beverages suitable for brunch. Bring cash in case u fancy one of my ready to wear garments and wanna spoil yourself. This event is open to both men and women, tickets are sold at Masa Square Hotel reception,” the flamboyant designer concluded.