Morobosi organisers have rubbished claims from Heavy K that he was not paid on time for his performance at the Morobosi event in Tswapong on December 31st.
The organosers claim they paid up on time and blame the bank for delay of the payment.
According to one of the event’s organisers Phaf Phafana, the payment was done on December 22, 2017 and their bank later confirmed on December 27, 2017 that the payment has been made.
“We don’t know what transpired with Heavy K’s bank, but it looks like the money was declared late. What we can confirm is that we paid him,” he said to the media.
Phafana was quick to highlight that they are still sorting out the issue so that they can retrieve their money since Heavy K was unable to perform. He said they do not know why Heavy K took the matter to social media since their initial agreement was not done publicly.
Meanwhile, Heavy added a screenshot of payments and the last payment was made on January 5th and we not sure if that was from the Morobosi organisers.