Blessed is the hand that gives, so says the big book, the Bible. Monash FC Social Club lived up to that scripture this past Saturday. The club extended a good gesture to Zimbabwean international and former Tasc and BDF XI Legend Gary Mkhandawire. The Social Club which is based in Gaborone giving has been beaten by the festive bug of giving as they made a donation of clothes,P 1000 and P 300.00 transport vouchers from Monopoly cabs.
Football players normally die as paupers because of their lifestyle, and also sometimes its because locally our players get such little salaries that it is hard to get by. They need assistance as years go by because the football career is a short one and very uncertain.
We applaud the club for stepping in whatever the reason to help a fellow citizen. We hope this will inspire other capable people or organizations to keep on giving to the less fortunate.