The only local male pageant Mister Gaborone has hit a snag once more. The pageant which was supposed to have been held two weeks ago has been getting postponed on the last day of the event without any communiques sent out to ticket buyers. Allegations are that the pageant is under financial scrutiny and unable to stage for that reason. If the allegations are anything to go by at this moment, it is said that the organizers have been unable to get together their financial arms together for the pageant.
Two weeks ago the pageant was scheduled to be staged at Cresta Lodge at Fairgrounds in Gaborone but it was postponed to the last Saturday (23rd June). When the Botswana Youth Magazine team of reporters arrived at the venue set for the event, they learnt that the pageant has been given a rotten egg on the face once more. It is however yet to be confirmed on when exactly is the event is to be held. More reports will be given on the issue.