There is an online article that went viral a few days ago reporting that Miss Botswana 2016/17 Thata Kenosi has been arrested at London Heathrow airport. The report went on further to say that Thata had 2kg cocaine hidden in 2 bags of coffee hidden in 2 suitcases. The Miss Botswana organization has taken upon themselves to clear the Queen’s name.
On a statement from their Facebook page,the organization had this to say, “The Miss Botswana organization confirms that the online article about Thata Kenosi is false. We can confirm that Thata is currently at her home in Gaborone and in no way supports or is associated to the illegal smuggling and use of narcotics. For further enquiries please contact the Miss Botswana PR office at 3952109/3933873.
This site, has also accused several beauty queens fro the same crime. They keep on changing names and pictures of different contestants from different countries like Botswana, South Africa, Guyana and Mauritius. As for Thata it seems as if this tittle has brought nothing but heartache to her. From the day she was crowned, only a few accepted and supported her, until the time she competed at Miss World this past December. Stay strong girl, it shall come to pass.