The Minister for State President, Honourable Kabo Neale Sechele Morwaeng welcomed District Administrators this morning to a two day retreat which serves as an opportunity for the administrators to reflect, regroup and renew their commitment to serve effectively and efficiently.
Minister Morwaeng was elated to meet all the district administrators and praised them on behalf of government for serving the nation selflessly amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
He expressed that District Administration (DA) is critical at a local level as it coordinates government activities and service delivery. Minister Morwaeng encouraged the administrators to align themselves to the Reset agenda as they implement government policies within their respective districts.
“The Reset Agenda is meant to improve service delivery in every
possible way, therefore it is imperative that we lead and cascade it to reach our set Vision 2036 goals” he added.
Minister Morwaeng said government decided to rationalize government portfolio responsibilities in order to bring similar functions together, to eliminate duplication and overlaps for cost effectiveness, quality service.
The Minister implored the administrators to be bold and firm in decision making as they are overseers in their districts and further cheered them to strive for excellence as they elevate Botswana to greater heights.
He said comprehensive reorganization of the Government Machinery further encompasses state owned enterprises (SOEs) in this regard, several existing SOEs will be restructured, an exercise that will be characterized by mergers intended to remove duplication and overlaps of mandates and operations as well as the bringing in of strategic private sector partners to help revitalize and develop selected SOEs.