Minister Dr Dikoloti in the Usa to attends the Harvard ministerial leadership program

Botswana Youth
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The Minister of Health Hon. Dr Edwin G. Dikoloti will this week attend the Harvard Ministerial leadership Program at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the United States of America.
The Harvard Ministerial Forums which were introduced by the University in 2012, are meant to empower political leaders by offering an opportunity for them to reflect on their work and help them learn to re-evaluate priorities so that they effectively contribute to human advancement and development. The forums primarily aim to engage clusters of Ministers with human development-related portfolios, such as health, education, youth and gender. This Program gives Government Ministers practical ideas of tackling actual problems that they deal with on a daily basis in their offices. It also provides a unique and an exclusive opportunity for Ministers of Government to reflect critically on their goals and objectives as leaders.
During the Minister’s absence, Assistant Minister of Health Hon. Sethomo Lelatisitswe will act as the Minister of Health.
Minister Dr Dikoloti is expected back in Botswana on 17 June 2022.
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