Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) has noted with concern how President Mokgweetsi Masisi is not conducting himself like a state president, this comes after the remarks the president made in the morning when departing to Namibia.
“President Masisi needs to learn to speak and act presidential. He is not just another citizen who can speak of creating fake Facebook accounts (bo Tom mang mang) to attack opponents. It’s reckless to wantonly speak.” reads the letter.
The letter also referred to an occurrence recently where the president drove himself to Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital. The BPF is of the view that the president is reckless more so that the closure of the Office of the president was a consequence of that recklessness.
“This President needs to seriously introspect if he is to be taken seriously by stakeholders. His friendship to President Geingob of Namibia is not state business and is not worth risking our Covid-19 preparedness over. He ought to know that any other reasons he advances for his trip are drowned by his friendship talk”
BPF Communications
“Ke tsamaya le matona a le mmalwa, le baokamedi ba Covid. Gape ke ya go bona tsala yame. Re ya go bua tse dingwe tse eleng gore ga se tse nka le di bolelelang gompieno. Mme tse dingwe ke tse eleng gore ke tse di molemo” (I am going with a number of ministers, and Covid officials. I am also going to see my friend. We are going to talk about some things which I cannot tell you of today. However, some of them are important.) President Masisi revealed.
The BPF is of the view that it is a bad gesture for the President to mention that he is going to see his friend because he is normalizing visits to friends which is discouraged by the Covid-19 protocols. Instead of a visit which they say is costly, the BPF says the president should have used virtual platforms to conduct a meeting with his Namibian counterpart.
“Talk Talk just talks and talks. Please sanitize, use masks, stay home when you can and do your best to social distance. We are on our own.”
BPF Communications