Loretta Mekgwe, is one media personality who is so passionate about community development. Next month on 12th of July she will be celebrating her 30th birthday. And she will do this by walking 30km for charity hence #30for30 hash tag that’s on her social media.
This walk is a continuation of the #SmartChow healthy eating campaign that Loretta did last year to encourage a healthy lifestyle and educate about non-communicable diseases. On the day Metro Private Clinic will offer free health checks to all walkers.
For the past two weeks she took advantage of the country tour accorded by Gabzfm to scout for beneficiaries particularly children. This initiative will definitely need other people to jump in henceforth she is asking for companies to contribute a minimum of P100 per km. Individuals willing to contribute towards this cause can contact her or Ona 74 464 709 and 76 027 544.