10 Things You Didn’t Know About Loretta Mekgwe

Botswana Youth
2 Min Read

It’s not everyday that beauty and brains work hand in hand, unless one is a superwoman. Well in that case Loretta Mekgwe is a superwoman. The smooth faced media personality at such a tender age has achieved a lot than many people in a life time. She is the Smart Chow Ambassador,  has been a Columnist in The Voice Newspaper, she is a Gabzfm Weekend Producer, an actress to name a few. Read the following 10  facts about her.


  1. Morwalela was actually her very first television production, where she gained popularity and she has never looked back since.
  2. Mekgwe who is currently on BTV acting in Pelokgale, a series emulating domestic violence bared, is probably the best actress we have locally.
  3. She warmed our houses with the hilarious BPC advert that ran on Botswana Television for a while, popularly known as Mothusi.
  4. Loretta went to school for the industry, she is a Media Studies graduate from the University Of  Botswana.
  5. She started the Smart Chow  project to encourage people to eat well, whatever they want but in moderation and then burn it out with exercise.
  6. She is also the executive producer of Street Dance, a project started to enrich and equip talented performers with skills to improve their lives through dance.
  7. Last year she embarked on a 360 days free campaign where celebrities vowed to take a whole year without touching alcohol.
  8. Despite her hectic schedule, Loretta remains a doting mother to her only daughter.
  9. She is a socialite of note and is always scene around Gaborone A-list events.
  10. She is single, but doe not rule out the possibility of marriage in the future, to a well deserving husband.
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