JC Examinations Starting Tomorrow.

Botswana Youth
1 Min Read

Form 3’s are starting their final examinations tomorrow & finish 6th November 2015. The Junior Certificate Examination (JCE) has been administered annually since 1967. From 2017 onwards, it has been administered by the Botswana Examinations Council to grade 10 (ISCED 2) students in general education programmes in public and private schools.


The JCE is a high-stake and mandatory examination that certifies completion of lower secondary education. It is a requirement for students wishing to pursue upper secondary education (ISCED 3).

The JCE serves the following purposes:

– student certification for completion of lower secondary education

– student selection to higher education programmes or admission into specific courses or tracks

– designing individualised instructional plans

– supporting teachers (training, relevant materials, etc.)

– school or educator accountability
– sub-national level monitoring of learning outcomes

– monitoring education quality levels

– planning education policy reforms

– diagnosing student abilities

We wish our students the best!

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