India COVID-19 variant hit Botswana

Botswana Youth
3 Min Read

Botswana has been hit by the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) variant which was first detected in India. The B. 1.617 variant was first discovered in Botswana on the 13th of May 2021. This comes after the arrival of Indian nationals in the country on the 24th of April 2021. This was revealed by the Ministry of Health and Wellness today.

“The Ministry of Health and Wellness wishes to inform members of the public that a new COVID-19 variant (B.1.617), first discovered in the Republic of Indian variant was confirmed in Botswana on 13 May 2021. This followed a case investigation within Greater Gaborone, involving people of Indian origin who arrived in the country on the 24th April 2021. As at 16 May 2021, the B. 1. 617 variant was confirmed in two (2) people. The clients are currently receiving medical care and remain stable with no life-threatening symptoms.” Christopher Nyanga wrote.

According to the Ministry, out of Three hundred and eighty-three (383) arrivals, Forty-Three (43) tested positive for COVID-19, out of which two (2) were caught with the variant. “All contacts and confirmed cases have been evacuated to facility based quarantine and isolation respectively, for close monitoring.” Nyanga assured.

In response to this unfortunate occurance which find Botswana not so prepared to fight the pandemic, the Ministry has set out procedures for arrivals from India and other high risk areas. According to the Ministry, the arrivals shall;

  1. Immediately quarantine in a central area to be identified by the Ministry of Health and Wellness for a period not exceeding ten (10) days.
  2. Repeat Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test after seven (7) days of quarantine and be discharged as per the outcome of the results.

“The above requirements are complementary to the mandatory requirements of producing on arrival a negative PCR test not older than 72hrs from the time the sample was collected.” the Ministry clarified.

Meanwhile, some citizens feel that Botswana government is not showing seriousness on the matter. This is because other countries have halted movements from India and other high risk countries. The government has been accused of turning a blind eye as most people of Indian origin moving up and down between India and Botswana are friends to the President and members of his cabinet.

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