The former Member of Parliament for Ghanzi North constituency Mr. Noah Serikgweri Salakae has broken his silence regarding his Central Committee candidacy. Amid rumours that he pulled out of the Secretary General race, Salakae says such narration is far from the truth.
“I never pulled out from the SG race, I was duly recalled. The long and short of the story is, Cde RAMAOTWANA, Cde Mooketsi and I had approached comrades Boko and Dibeela to make a truce for the benefit of the BNF and the entire opposition collective.” Salakae revealed.
When the campaigns for the Botswana National Front (BNF) intensified, there began to be insults exchange between the two lobbies. The lobby led by the current Party President- Advocate Duma Gideon Boko, and the lobby led by the Party Vice President President- Dr. Prince Moiseraele Dibeela.
The three were worried about what might come out of the rivalry between the two camps. They remembered an incident which led to the formation of the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) as a splinter party from the BNF. They also reminisced about the events leading to the formation of the National Democratic Front (NDF) in 2001. Their decision to approach the two leaders of the rival factions were to avoid any more fighting. As a result, Salakae and his colleagues got recalled.
“Painful as it is, I kept mum while making silent attempts to counsel myself to accept I would not be part of the BNF CC after the next congress. A friend told me its called resilience. And I was consoled. For a record, I hold no grudge against Team Restoration comrades for this decision to recall me whatsoever.”
Salakae says there has been rumours doing the rounds intended to bruise his persona, but he kept quiet with the hope that they will cease. To his concern, the rumours are gaining momentum to the point that they might be taken as the truth.”What I thought it’s only fair to contest is the condescending reasons advanced on my back for my recall that I now being used to ridicule and malign my character. My silence on the bad habit can only mean I dignify the falsehoods. Hence the need to break the silence and tell my story as I know it.” he charged.