Gumare Police are investigating an incident in which a 46-year-old male public officer was found hanging from house rafters at Bothatogo ward in Gumare on Saturday.
Deputy District No. 17 Officer Commanding Superintendent Goitsemodimo Molapisi confirmed the incident in an interview on Monday, stating that they received a report around midnight that a man was hanging from the rafters of the house which the police confirmed upon arrival at the scene.
He said preliminary investigations indicated that the man had a misunderstanding with his 41-year-old girlfriend also a public officer in Gumare at around 7pm. Supt Molapisi said the girlfriend was said to have left after the argument to go carousing but later received a call from her sister informing her about the predicament.
He said police investigations continued while awaiting postmortem to determine the cause of death.
Meanwhile, Supt Molapisi said incidents of suicide were a concern in his policing area and appealed to members of the public to seek professional help when faced with challenges.