1. Introduction
The Levy on Alcoholic Beverages Fund (Amendment) Order 2022 was introduced to curb excessive alcohol consumption. The funds are used to promote projects and activities designed to combat alcohol and substance use and minimize its effects. It is in accordance with this Fund Order that the Ministry of Health is inviting applicants from the Government Ministries and Non-Governmental Organization to submit their proposal for funding consideration.
NB: These Guidelines are informed by the revised (September 2017) Policy Guidelines for Financial Support to Non-Governmental Organizations and shall be administered in accordance with all laws of the Republic of Botswana.
2. Background
Like many African countries Botswana has experienced problems from alcohol for a long time. Anecdotal evidence shows that there is an influx of illicit drug use, alcoholism and social disorders especially amongst the youth. The growing trend of alcohol and substance use has negative effects on the wellbeing of the population, more especially the health and economic wellbeing. The risks and social ills associated with the abuse include, among others, public disorder; road traffic accidents; crime and violence; problems in the family and workplace; and risky sexual behaviors. The government of Botswana in response to this epidemic introduced several interventions (amongst other, the Levy on Alcoholic Beverages Fund (Amendment) Order 2022) to curb the adverse effects (ills and harms) associated with excessive alcohol consumption and use of psychoactive substances.
According to the WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018, the harmful use of alcohol is one of the leading risk factors for population health worldwide and has a direct impact on many health-related targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report also highlights that alcohol is often consumed before, along with, or after other psychoactive substance use, and the comorbidity of alcohol and tobacco dependence is strong and well documented. Protection of populations by preventing and reducing the harmful use of alcohol and use of psychoactive substances is therefore a public health priority.
3. Purpose of the Call for Proposal
The goal of this Call for Proposals is to solicit and support programs and interventions that prevent substance use and excessive use of alcohol, using Evidence Based Substance Use Prevention Techniques. This Call takes into consideration that information only approaches without addressing maliable factors such as attitudes, skills, education and intensions around behaviours such as staying substance free have been found to be ineffective in rigorous research. Therefore, proposals and delivery systems that consider characteristics of the target population and their environments (micro and macro) stands a better chance of being funded.
The UNODC offers guidance on example of evidence based prevention intervention and have published the review of the results of over 20 years of research on effective drug use prevention strategies and interventions called, The UNODC International Standards on Drug Use Prevention. Summarizing the research, this report identifies a range of evidence-based preventive interventions that can make a difference in the lives of populations at risk for drug use world-wide.
4. Thematic Focus and Primary Issues
The primary objective of substance use prevention is to help people, particularly young people to avoid or delay the initiation of the use of substances or if they have started already, to avoid developing disorders (e.g. dependence).
This Call seeks to support programs that will be implemented in one or more of the following settings:
a. Family
b. School
c. Workplace
d. Health sector
e. Community
Therefore these programs and initiatives should help individuals to positively engage with families, schools, workplaces and communities. The Proposals submitted should give the target audience tools, skills and strategies to address their health, social and behavior challenges in consideration to the identified risks and protective factors such as personal self-management skills, decision making skills, resistance and refusal skills, stress management etc.
Expected outcomes
a. Delayed onset of alcohol use and abstinence from drug use or if they have already started, to avoid developing disorders (e.g. dependence).
b. Reduction in substance use and its adverse consequences (harm reduction approach).
c. Increased knowledge on the effects of alcohol and other substances.
5. Location
The proposed intervention should be implemented in Botswana. Priority will be given to proposals that intends to provide service where it is most needed in the country and where there is need but inadequate services.
6. Project Duration
All activities of successful proposals must be implemented in 36 months within the approved budged.
7. Award Amounts
Proposals with budgets up to P4 Million implemented in 36 months will be considered for funding. Please note that value for money will be assessed as a part of the rating criteria and proposed budgets should be expressed in BWP.
The “Policy Guidelines for Financial Support to Non Governmental Organsations” stipulate that 80% of the budget should be earmarked for direct costs for project activities; up to a maximum of 20% may be used for administrative costs; and a contingency reserve not exceeding 10% of the direct eligible costs should be included in the budget of project activities.
8. Eligibility of applicants
8.1 In order to be eligible for funding applicants must:
a. Be registered under the country’s relevant authorities and registration certificates must be attached to the proposal or must be under some recognized governance structure such as the Village Development Committees;
b. Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project;
c. Demonstrate prior capability of implementing activities in the area of substance abuse treatment or other related field of work;
d. Have the needed experience and capability to administer interventions towards rehabilitation.
e. Submit audited financial statements for the past financial year by a registered audit firm, if organization has been operating for more than 12 months.
NB: Organizations that are currently being funded by the Alcohol Levy and Tobacco Levy Funds respectively are not legible for funding in this round of applications.
8.2 Eligibility of costs
a. Only “eligible costs” can be taken into account for this call and these costs must be based on real costs based on supporting documents.
b. Costs must respect the regulations for procurement of goods and services such as competitiveness, fairness and best value for money. The regulations that apply to procurement under contracts financed by this Call will be outlined in the Grant Agreement to be signed if the applicant is successful.
c. A contingency reserve not exceeding 10% of the direct eligible costs may be included in the budget.
8.3 The eligible applicant must also demonstrate the following:
a. How the funds will be used to implement evidence based programs.
b. Have the strategies that are designed to improve the overall health (medical and behavioral health) of the target audience.
c. How the funds will be used to deliver programs and services to at-risk population especially the youth.
d. How the applicant’s evidence based programs and strategies are designed to achieve the expected outcomes outlined above.
8.4 Ineligible Costs
The following will not be funded:
• Political parties activities
• Individuals
• Holidays
• Parties
• Vehicles
• Infrastructure
• Recurrent Budget
• Sponsorship participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses etc
• Sponsorship for studies or training courses
• Debts and provisions for losses or debts
• Interest owed
• Items already financed in another round of funding
• Purchases of land or buildings
• Currency exchange losses
• Credits to third parties
• Meals (except where appropriate)
9. Proposal Guide
All proposals should be written in English.
9.1 Title Page – Title of the proposal, name of the Organisation, date of submission, signature of the Project Director.
9.2 Table of Contents.
9.3 General Information (Organisation background, membership of board, affiliation and registeration with recognised bodies where applicable, physical address).
9.4 Executive Summary (overview and summary of the entire proposal – problem definition and project importance, objectives and the potential impact of the project).
9.5 Proposal Background (Rationale/Justification) – describe why intervention should take place in the selected community and what problem its aiming to solve. Cite relevant literature and provide necessary statistics.
9.6 Benefits and Feasibility of the Project – Outline the advantages or benefits of doing the project. (Explain how the proposed projects will achieve impact, and how they fit within the Government efforts to combat alcohol & substance use)
9.7 Project Description – describe the proposed work, its audience and purpose as well as the project duration.
9.8 Method, procedure and theory (explain HOW you will implement your proposed work, outlining the strategies designed to achieve the expected outcomes.
9.9 Monitoring and evaluation plan – Indicate how data will be collected and analysed on the key indicators of the project).
9.10 Schedule – workplan showing timelines and milestones for the project.
9.11 Qualifications – summary of key personnel qualifications and organisational experience.
9.12 Resources required – detailed budget of costs associated with the project (must be aligned to the workplan and provision of budget notes).
9.13 Expected impact and sustainability – Impact of the project on the wider geographical area and a plan for continuity beyond this funding
9.14 Conclusions.
9.15 Annexures.
9.16 Required Annexes & Supporting documents
a. Proof of Registration with legally recognised registration bodies in Botswana, including any annual updates issued by the registration body;
b. Statutes or other acts of the organisation e.g Constitution;
c. Governance and Organisational structure, including names of Board members and Officers and their roles
d. Annual financial records detailing income and expendinture
e. Declaration by the Applicant, certifying that the applicamt doesn’t fall within any of the exclusion situations
f. Any other information and/or document to support all eligibility criteria and as may be requested by the Alcohol Levy Implementation Commitee
g. Curriculum vitae/profiles and certified copies of certificates of key personnel included in the proposal.
h. Attachment of supporting letters from the Communities where projects will be implemented if funded.
i. Proof of financial management.
10. Proposals Submission
10.1 Costed Proposals should be submitted in person or by courier to the Ministry of Health, Community Health Services, 5th floor, office number 5A13 on 19th May 2023, 1200hrs.
N/B All couriered proposals MUST reach Ministry of Health on the set DATE and TIME in order to be considered for evaluation.
10.2 Costed Proposals should be in one envelope containing one (1) original and three (3) copies. The original must be marked “Original” and Copies marked “Copy”.
11.1 Proposals will be evaluated by the Evaluation Panel appointed by the Alcohol Levy Implementing Committee (ALIC) and Ministry of Health.
11.2 All proposals submitted by applicants will be assessed according to the following steps and criteria:
a. Compliance Check
The first step is to verify that proposals meet the eligibility criteria referred to in the Call for Proposals Guidelines.
b. Technical Evaluation
Evaluation of the quality of proposals against the set criteria in the proposal form including assessment of the proposed budget.
c. Provisional Selection
All successful proposals will be ranked according to their technical scores and budget proposals. Provisional award letters will be sent out requesting for a verification visit.
e. Applicant Verification
Pre-grant due diligence exercise will be conducted only for the proposals that have been provisionally recommended for funding based on technical scores and are within the budget ceiling.
12. Approval of Proposal and Publication
12.1 Applicants will be informed in writing of the decision concerning their Project Proposal
12.2 Applicants whose proposals have been rejected, will be notified in writing, stating the reasons for the decision. Shortlisted projects shall undergo a Due Diligence exercise.
12.3 The decision of the Alcohol Levy Implementation Commitee is final. The grant amount given to a Project will be at the discretion of the Committee.
12.4 Project Proposals and all attached documents shall NOT be returned to Applicant.
12.5 If successful, the applicant shall manage the funds in accordance with the Principles of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Procedures set by the PPADB Act and Regulations.
12.6 Upon approval for funding, the applicant will sign a Memorandum of Aggreement to ensure compliance and obligations.
12.7 All successfull bidders shall be published in the local media.within 30 days of approval to ensure transparency.
13. Funds Disbursement
13.1 The funds will be released in tranches according to the milestones defined in the work plan.
13.2 Release of funds shall be subject to:
a. Achievement of performance target(s) set in the Financial Agreement
b. Satisfactory submission of quarterly progress reports to the Alcohol Levy Implementation Committee and Ministry of Health; and
c. Maintenance and proof of proper accounting records.
14. Monitoring and Reporting
14.1 The Alcohol and Substance Abuse Division (MoH) will be responsible for monitoring progress in project implementation.
14.2 Applicants will be responsible for providing periodic progress and financial reports to the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Division (MoH) as agreed in the project contract.
14.3 The Alcohol and Substance Abuse Division (MoH) will monitor financial expenditure on the basis of the above regular progress reports submitted through the Secretariat.
14.4 The applicant shall furnish, compile and make available at all the times to the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Division (MoH) any records or information, oral or written, which the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Division (MoH) may reasonably request in respect of the funds received.
14.5 The applicant shall appoint a contact person to serve as a liaison to the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Division (MoH) for purposes of project monitoring and reporting
Applicants will be informed in writing of the MoH decision concerning their application. The following documents will be signed as part of the grant agreement between MoH and grant recipients:
a. Grant agreement
b. Annex A: Project Proposal
c. Annex B: Project Budget
d. Annex C: Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
For more information contact Ms L. Rankhubu at 363 2602/3632825 and Mr K. Batsile at 3622030.