Of late there has been a number of cases regarding Township Rollers using Ofentse Nato for their games who has been deemed as a defaulter. Gilport Lions is one of the teams that took their case to the powers that be, citing their grievances. The Botswana Football Association national disciplinary committee has finally come up with a judgement:
1. Mr. Ofentse Nato is a defaulter.
2. Having found that Mr. Nato is a defaulter, the Botswana Premier League should apply the necessary sanctions against Township Rollers Football Club as per Article 6.2.1 of the
Play Rules and Regulations, which provides as follows;
”Any team that fields a defaulter in a league game and a complaint or protest or information about the use of an alleged defaulter is brought to the attention of relevant league or disciplinary committee within 30 days of the said league game, shall forfeit 3 points and 2 goals to the opposing team for every game that the defaulter shall have played in a given season, provided that procedures for protests shall be adhered to.”
3. Township Rollers be fined BWP1000.00. (Pula One Thousand) in terms of clause 6.2.2 of the Play Rules & Regulations, payable within 14 days of the date of this judgement