The Minister of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security (MMGE) Honourable Lefoko Moagi- also a Member of Parliament for Ramotswa, has reconstituted the Board of Directors of Botswana Oil Limited (BOL).
The New Board is now chaired by founding PEEPA CEO, Joshua Galeforolwe and Setshidi Botlhole-Mmopi has been retained from previous BOL board. The board now consists of BOL CEO Meshark Tshekedi as Ex-officio and new board members are; Motsile Sibanda, Judge Mookodi, Pearl Batshabile, Kenneth Matswiri and Nchena Mothebe who is DPS in the Ministry. .
Mr. Galeforwe is a a Managing Consultant for West Cliff Capital (Pty) Ltd., a corporate advisory and management consultancy company in Botswana.
He has over 35 years experience in large scale performance and process improvement, leadership and strategic management, policy formulation and the development of privatization implementation strategies. Mr. Galeforwe is the former Chief Executive of the Public Enterprises Evaluation and Privatization Agency (PEEPA). During this tenure, Mr. Galeforwe oversaw the preparation and adaptation of the Botswana governments’ first privatization master plan and the formulation and approval of the Public Private Partnership Policy Implementation Framework and PPP regulations. He was also involved in the development of the privatization and transaction strategies for the Botswana Telecommunications Corporation and the National Development Bank.
He has a Bcom in accounting from Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda and completed Part 1 of a BA in Economics at the University of Botswana, as well as a Management and Development Programme at the University of Pittsburg.
The new BOL Board has been functional from April 1st, 2021. BOL was established to support the Government of Botswana to achieve two broad, national economic objectives. These objective are to ensure the security and efficiency of fuel supply to Botswana and promote active citizen involvement in the petroleum industry.
BOL is wholly owned by the Government of Botswana, represented by Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security, and incorporated under the Companies Act of Botswana.