An interview is always an important thing in an unemployment person’s life. In today’s edition we give you a list of food items we want to share with you in regard to the food items you may take to avoid a bug before an interview.
Lean Protein
Though a bagel or blueberry muffin might be the easiest snacks to grab before your interview, avoid carbohydrates if you possibly can. In an MIT study with two groups eating either a high-protein or high-carbohydrate breakfast, researchers found that two hours after consumption the carb group had tryptophan levels four times higher than the protein group.
Healthy fats
Your brain needs a healthy supply of essential fatty acids, or omega-3 fatty acids, for it to function optimally. These fats are the primary building block for brain tissue and help you stay focused, supply oxygen to the brain, protect brain cell membranes, and decrease your chances of dementia, Alzheimer’s, stroke, and other brain illnesses later in your life.