This year Fly Mission Care Ministries produced 94 graduates in certificates from two programs, 13 out of the 94 students were from the aircraft maintenance engineering and 81 graduates were from the early childhood development. These programs were sponsored by European Union and The Lady Khama Charitable Trust.
The director of engineering and maintenance at Air Botswana, Mr Winston Moloigaswe, has encouraged graduates to use their skills to create employment. Mr Moloigaswe said graduates should not wait for government to give them jobs but should come up with creative ways that could help create employment. The Lady Khama Charitable Trust had donated P750 000 to help Fly Mission Care Ministries to enroll the trainees of early childhood development program.
Since the early 1990’s Flying Mission (FM) has been licensed in Botswana to have an aircraft maintenance operation. Since this time our aviation department (Flying Mission Services) has been performing maintenance on its own aircraft as well as on other owner operators’ aircraft. Initially qualified candidates were enrolled in a school in South Africa, but in 2004 the first class of students entered the program. As the only Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) training program in Botswana, the school was formed to produce quality engineers of strong character who would be free to serve with other companies in the country or region.