Dramaboi’s matshediso drama

Botswana Youth
5 Min Read

Yesterday after the late rapper, Dramaboi’s family asked for funeral contributions from the artist’s fans and the nation at large, there was disagreements on who has the right to be given such contributions.

While some did not have a problem with giving contributions to Dramaboi’s mother, some were of the view that she should not be given such contributions quoting the late rapper’s post from two (2) years ago. In the post, the rap star suggested that his mother, father, elder sister and brother did not care about him.

“A have an older sister who will NEVER call on her little brother to ask is he’s okay. My mother spends the whole year without texting or calling. My blood brother will rather see me dead or in prison than to see me win. It’s impossible for my father to call me and ask me if I’m alive. This whole money, power, fame thing will mess you up man. Sometimes just can’t wait till I’m dead next to my Grandma. She’s the only one who used to call me to check if I’m doing okay and this is so true. Something is broken inside me. People love you when you’re dead that shit is the strangest.” Dramaboi wrote on Facebook.

In light of the post, one of the social media commentators, Setlhomo Raymond Tshwanelang posted yesterday;
“I wasn’t close to Drama Boi but his music united us. On his timeline, he shared on multiple occasions about his struggle with depression and his relationship with his family. I think the latter brought me closer to him as it ring bells to me.

It is therefore shocking that the same family that seems to have abandoned him has gone publicly to solicit matshediso. Forgive me if am insensitive but ka Setswana matshediso ga a kopiwe. Ga se business ga a marketiwe.[In setswana, funeral contributions are not requested. It is not marketed.]

A ntshiwa ke batho go tswa mo pelong tsa bone. [People contribute willingly] Some will bring pots for free, some will bring nama-nyane [calf] for the mourners. If you publicly request for money, it open up wounds that are yet to heal for those who were once touched by the deceased. Those who knew the struggle he faced everyday.

Sorry I want to mourn for our star and I would want to give something but i will be happy if it goes to his son and the baby mama. I believe they are the ones who have lost more than the rest. I believe that child will grow up without a father, a father who it was evident had no family support.

So re neeleng accounte ya ngwana wa ga Drama Boi hoo. Re mo lathelele sengwe. A seka a tsoga a ja mabogo a jesi. [So give us the account number for Dramaboi’s child, so we can give him something. So that he does not suffer in the future.]”

However, some people are condemning those who refuse to contribute saying Dramaboi did not see eye to eye with his mother. According to those, the misunderstanding was solved, evidenced by the Facebook posts by the artist in 2020 where he often posted his mother’s photos.

Meanwhile, condolences messages are pouring in, as well as funeral contributions. Thus far Copyright Society of Botswana (COSBOTS) have contributed Ten thousand Pula (P10 000), Babereki ka lorato funeral services have pledged hearses. Other Batswana are also continuing to contribute towards the funeral arrangements, and the late artist’s child.

The burial will take place at Mochudi in Tuesday according to the family.

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