Minister of Health And Wellness Dorcas Makgato has joined other members of parliament who have Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. She first activated her Facebook account last week upon which she was welcomed by multitudes, among them a young Motswana by the name Romeo who criticized the Minister’s wrong choice of hairstylist.
Not letting the cyber bullying get the better of her, she responded by saying, “Will make time to fix it and post for you…and u will be soooooh Floored,” a response that was welcomed positively by her followers. She then opened a Twitter account, and uploaded a picture wearing a head scarf captioned, “Situation right now, ”Romeo Wa Nzwakala” cover your hair lady!!!” Instead of whining and crying she is taking social media for what it is, social media, nothing personal. She has now made Romeo Wa Nzwakala her personal hashtag, how cool!
Having public figures on social media really helps a lot because it brings them closer to the layman, since meeting them face to face is not that easy. Dorcas is clearly one of a kind and we anticipate too much action from her on social media. We welcome you Tona!