Data Protection Is Crucial

Botswana Youth
3 Min Read

On Wednesday 14 September 2022, Mr. Pontsho Pusoetsile, the Government Online Coordinator for the Ministry of Communications, Knowledge and Technology, gave a key note address at the 6th Annual African Cyber Crime Conference in Gaborone. He expressed his gratitude to the African Cyber and their partners Serianu Limited, for taking the initiative to carry out the survey that led to the generation of Botswana’s latest edition of the Africa Cyber Security Report.

He explained that the report shows that in January 2022 there were 1.48 million internet users in Botswana and the country’s internet penetration rate stood at 61.0 percent of the total population at the start of 2022. Furthermore, there were 1.20 million social media users in Botswana in January 2022 which was equivalent to 49.6 percent of the total population. He also mentioned that, data from GSMA Intelligence shows that there were 4.05 million cellular mobile connections in Botswana at the start of 2022 which was equivalent to 167.4 percent of the total population.

Mr. Pusoetsile also talked about Botswana government’s progress since the implementation of the provisions of the Data Protection Act, which was passed in 2018. He revealed that, a number of organizations in Botswana have already taken initiatives to protect the data that is in their possession and at least half of Batswana are aware of the existence of the data protection law and the need for them to comply with it. He alerted that it is crucial that everyone keep abreast of the latest tools and technologies that criminals are using to breach networks and devices by investing in the right resources to monitor, test and implement the requisite security measures.

“The current national strategic master plan, Vision 2036, aims to transform Botswana from an upper middle-income country to a high-income country by 2036. Its implicit aim is to use ICT as a transformational tool towards creating a knowledge-based society. At the ministry of Communications, Knowledge and Technology, we are charged with driving valorisation of research insights, and to work with private sector partners such as African Cyber to generate useful research that contributes to the attainment of Vision 2036”, said Mr. Pusoetsile.

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