Pastor Steven Anderson, who has caused a stir in several countries, has been declared a Prohibited Immigrant and as such is being deported from Botswana. The anti-gay Pastor arrived in Botswana last Thursday and held his first church services in Botswana on Sunday.
On his short stint in Botswana, he has already classified Batswana as alcoholics and attacked local pastors for being toothless because they are not preaching against the huge immorality in the country. Anderson has advised the government to kill homosexuals and pedophiles, pregnant schools girls. On his Biblical stand, he said that if slavery were allowed in the bible he would support it and that women must never be allowed to preach in churches.
LEGABIBO has been fighting tooth and nail,for the man to be let in the country, but he entered Botswana nonetheless. After his interview this morning with Reginald on Gabz FM, attracted immigration officers and intelligence agents. He has been deported from the country since he was advocating for death on people he differs with.