The Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime celebrated the 2024 Anti-Corruption Day under the theme “Effective Whistleblower Protection Mechanism: A Critical Tool in the Fight Against Corruption.”
Delivering the keynote address on behalf of Acting President His Honour Slumber Tsogwane, Minister of Labour and Home Affairs Honorable Anna Mokgethi emphasized the importance of protecting whistleblowers in combating corruption. She highlighted the necessity of the Whistleblowers Act to safeguard individuals fighting against corruption that undermines society’s moral fabric. The Minister encouraged whistleblowers to make disclosures in good faith and assured of full legal support.
Minister Mokgethi commended whistleblowers as “unsung heroes and heroines” who promote transparency by exposing corruption. She also praised the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime for significantly reducing corruption reports over the past thirty years, noting that such efforts enable countries and governments to unite against exploitation and defend human rights.