Check Out The Real Reason Why Loungo ‘KingBee’ Pitse Might Have Left YaronaFM

Botswana Youth
2 Min Read

When KingBee left YaronaFM, the radio stations he has been employed at for years, rumors flew around that the talented media personality might have scored something big outside the country, particularly at Motsweding FM.

He however rubbished the rumors and confirmed he is not going to work at Motsweding FM. So here is the exciting news, there is a new online radio station in the town called ICE100 and Kingbee works for the online platform.

The radio station that seems to be headed by Thapelo Letsholo Drew Chadhall and Bonni Dintwa has many of Yarona FM presenters as its employees. Zizi Panther, Scar, Drew and KingBee of course are now working there.  This is definitely going to be one interesting radio station and we cannot wait to hear more of it.

Ice100 is supposedly a luxury online radio environment open to commercial partners. Experienced and well-versed presenters offer a wide variety of topics and subjects for the globally minded audience who always want to know more. Will not only entertain but also create new opportunities and useful ideas for
future business projects and it only started operating yesterday. The app for the station can be downloaded on Googleplay and Apple app.

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